Our affiliated clinics and their knowledgeable physical therapists strive to prepare our students for the upcoming challenges they may face in their PT careers. They take great care to introduce all aspects of being a therapist, from patient interaction to technical practice. Our students build a strong, foundational confidence in their knowledge and skills by the end of the program, essential to starting their path in the physical therapy field. 


Partnered Clinics in Cartago, Costa Rica


Clinic: Clínica Integral Las Catalinas
PT: Dr. José Carlos Piedra S.
Phone: +506 8673-9180
Facebook Page


Clinic: Clínica de Terapia Física Roemgo
PT: Msc. Ronny Gómez
Phone: +506 8863 7465
Facebook Page

Clinic: Renacer
PT: Dra. Ana Gabriela Aguilar
Phone: +506 8830 2478
Facebook Page


Clinic: Terapia Física Integral Vive
PT: Dra. Luz María Rodríguez Hernández
Phone: +506 8817 0822
Facebook Page

Clinic: Fisio Balance
PT: Dr. Luis Diego Ortega
Phone: +506 7195 1311
Facebook Page


Clinic: Fisio Dynamic
PT: Dra. Ivonne Monge Loria
Phone: +506 8882 0701
Facebook Page

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Clinic: Renueva Fisioterapia y Estética
PT: Lic. Mauricio, Andrés Rojas, y Maria Laura
Phone: +506 2552 6780
Facebook Page


Clinic: Asociación Neurológica María Auxiliadora
PT: Licda. Camila Navarro
Facebook Page

Clinic: Sanservo
PT: Dra. Xinia Camacho
Facebook Page

Clinic: Hogar Manos de Jesus
PT: Lisseth Vega
Phone: +506 2553 1910
Facebook Page